Mã sản phẩm: #370
Giá:  Liên hệ

Sơn bóng mờ cho gỗ ngoài trời  SMARTBONDSTARS có bề mặt trong, có khả năng phối trộn với các tinh mầu hệ nước tạo ra các loại bề mặt với màu sắc phong phú.

Sơn bóng mờ cho gỗ ngoài trời (sơn phủ) Topcoat SMARTBONDSTARS sử dụng hệ sơn gốc nước không độc tố đáp ứng tiêu chuẩn xuất khẩu hàng hóa sang thị trường Châu Âu, cho các sản phẩm gỗ. Sơn phủ SMARTBONDSTARS có bề mặt trong, có khả năng phối trộn với các tinh mầu hệ nước tạo ra các loại bề mặt với màu sắc phong phú. Tuy nhiên sơn phủ hệ nước có độ dẻo dai, chai cứng bề mặt, khả năng tạo độ bóng mờ, độ bóng không thua kém các dòng sơn gốc dung môi.


  • Màu sắc: Màu trong
  • Độ bóng – mờ: 0% – 95%.
  • Hàm lượng rắn: 50±3%.
  • Không nguy hại với con người và môi trường.
  • Chịu nước tốt và dung môi tốt.
  • Độ ổn định cao cho bề mặt bóng sáng.
  • Độ bám trên bề mặt gỗ cao, không tróc, không rạn nứt
  • Sơn đạt tiêu chuẩn kiểm định đánh giá theo hệ thống tiêu chuẩn Châu Âu (REACH).


  • Theo hướng dẫn của nhà sản xuất
  • Độ phủ hỗn hợp: 6m2/ kg
  • Độ nhớt (sau khi trộn): 1 – 2 phút.


1. Xử lý bề mặt sản phẩm: trám trét, chà nhám cho bề mặt sản phẩm láng mịn.
2. Sơn lót bằng sơn lót trong hệ nước Sealer 704: Sơn lót 1 hoặc 2 lần tùy theo yêu cầu của sản phẩm.

3. Sơn phủ bằng Topcoat CROMA PAINT hoặc Sơn bóng mờ DS22: Pha hỗn hợp sơn phủ, màu theo tỷ lệ hướng dẫn pha sơn. Phun đều 2 passes cho 1 lần sơn phủ.
4. Sản phẩm để khô:sau 12 giờ (tùy theo độ dày màng sơn và độ bóng của sơn) sau đó đóng gói.


  • Bảo quản trong nhà kho, thoáng mát và khô ráo (nhiệt độ 26 – 40C).
  • Thùng phải được đậy kín trước và sau khi sử dụng.


  • Tác hại về mặt lý hóa: Không có
  • Tác hại liên quan đến sức khỏe con người : Không có
  • Có thể ngứa rát tạm thời nếu tiếp xúc trực tiếp hóa chất với mắt.
  • Phải mang khẩu trang và kính bảo hộ khi sử dụng. Tránh để sơn bắn vào mắt, miệng


Technical Data Sheet ®™Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow 843-02342-01-0620-DOW

 DIRTSHIELD™ USA 22 Acrylic Emulsion / Dow Coating Materials.

DIRTSHIELD™ USA 22 Acrylic Emulsion :100% Acrylic Polymer for Premium Exterior Paints

Regional Product Availability EMEAI

Product Description: DIRTSHIELD™ 22 Acrylic Emulsion is a is a 100% acrylic polymer emulsion with proprietary crosslinking designed for premium exterior paint formulations contributing to reach a high level of dirt pick-up resistance. Based on a 100% acrylic backbone, DIRTSHIELD™ 22 Acrylic Emulsion help to provide excellent exterior durability and it is well suited for formulations targeting tropical climates. DIRTSHIELD™ 22 Acrylic Emulsion contributes to offer resistance against water streak marks

. DIRTSHIELD™ 22 Acrylic Emulsion helps to achieve excellent exterior dirt pick-up resistance, excellent mechanical stability and facilitates the formulation of gloss, semigloss, sheen and below-CPVC (Critical Pigment Volume Concentration) flat exterior masonry paints.

Key Features : 100% acrylic composition

* Contributes to excellent dirt pick-up resistance

* Contributes to excellent resistance against water streak marks

* Helps to achieve high exterior durability

* No added APEO (1) and no added formaldehyde or formaldehyde generators (2)

Benefits :

* Contributes to excellent long-term durability, water resistance and efflorescence

* Facilitates the formulation of gloss to low sheen paints offering a cleaner appearance in difficult conditions

* Facilitates the formulation of low odor paints

Typical Properties : These are typical properties, not to be construed as specifications

Property                                                                        Typical Values

Appearance                                                          Opaque, white to off-white liquid

Solids, by weight, %                                                              48.0

PH                                                                                          7.8

Minimum Film Formation Temperature, (± 2°C)                      27

Viscosity (Brookfield LV #4, 60 rpm), cps                           < 4000

Storage precautions                                                Protect from freezing

(1) Manufactured without the use of Alkyl Phenyl Ethoxylate surfactants.

(2) Formaldehyde is a ubiquitous material in our environment. Currently there is no accepted regulatory or industry definition of "Formaldehyde-Free." Therefore, we purposely refrain from using the term "Formaldehyde-Free." However, for DIRTSHIELD™ 22 Acrylic Emulsion, we do not intentionally add Formaldehyde or Formaldehyde generators.

Handling Precautions: Before using this product, consult the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)/Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for details on product hazards, recommended handling precautions and product storage.

Storage : Store products in tightly closed original containers at temperatures recommended on the product label.

Disposal Considerations:  Dispose in accordance with all, local or national regulations. Empty containers may contain hazardous residues. This material and its container must be disposed in a safe and legal manner. It is the user's responsibility to verify that treatment and disposal procedures comply with local or national regulations. Contact your Dow Coating Materials Technical Representative for more information.

Chemical Registration:  Many countries within EMEAI require the registration of chemicals, either imported or produced locally, prior to their commercial use. Violation of these regulations may lead to substantial penalties imposed upon the user, the importer or manufacturer, and/or cessation of supply. It is in your interests to ensure that all chemicals used by you are registered. Dow does not supply unregistered products unless permitted under limited sampling procedures as a precursor to registration.

Note on EMEAI Product Line: Product availability and grades vary throughout the countries in the EMEAI area. Please contact your local Dow Coating Materials representative for further information and samples.

Product Stewardship:  Dow has a fundamental concern for all who make, distribute, and use its products, and for the environment in which we live. This concern is the basis for our product stewardship philosophy by which we assess the safety, health, and environmental information on our products and then take appropriate steps to protect employee and public health and our environment. The success of our product stewardship program rests with each and every individual involved with Dow products - from the initial concept and research, to manufacture, use, sale, disposal, and recycle of each product.

Customer Notice : Dow strongly encourages its customers to review both their manufacturing processes and their applications of Dow products from the standpoint of human health and environmental quality to ensure that Dow products are not used in ways for which they are not intended or tested. Dow personnel are available to answer your questions and to provide reasonable technical support. Dow product literature, including safety data sheets, should be consulted prior to use of Dow products. Current safety data sheets are available from Dow.

For more information visit our website: www.dow.com To contact us, call: Europe, Middle East, Africa & India: +31 115 672 626 Notice: No freedom from infringement of any patent owned by Dow or others is to be inferred. Because use conditions and applicable laws may differ from one location to another and may change with time, Customer is responsible for determining whether products and the information in this document are appropriate for Customer's use and for ensuring that Customer's workplace and disposal practices are in compliance with applicable laws and other government enactments. The product shown in this literature may not be available for sale and/or available in all geographies where Dow is represented. The claims made may not have been approved for use in all countries. Dow assumes no obligation or liability for the information in this document. References to “Dow” or the “Company” mean the Dow legal entity selling the products to Customer unless otherwise expressly noted. NO WARRANTIES ARE GIVEN; ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED.

                                    VII -  TECHNICAL DATA

Wood Paint Base :PEGAR LL5048 (Silicone-Acrylic Type Water Based Emulsion)

1. Product Description: PEGAR LL5048 Emulsion is a small particle size, high solids silicone-acrylic emulsion polymer containing include Silanol self-crosslinking technology. It is offered for applied wood coatings requiring early hardness, block resistance, sandability and water resistance.

PEGAR LL5048 Emulsion facilitates the formulation of clear sealers and topcoats or lightly pigmented coatings.

2. Features/Technology

・Excellent water resistance

・Good sandability

・Excellent early block resistance

・Good stain resistance

・Include Silanol cross-linking system.

・Soap-free technology.

・Offers easy brush or spray application

3. General property

Sample name                                              PEGAR LL5048

Nonvolatile (%)                                                  54.0

Viscosity (mPa*s)                                              3,500

PH                                                                     8.2

MFT (°C)                                                             65

*1: Viscometer: BM Type 23°C 60rpm       

4. Typical Applications : PEGAR LL5048 can be used in topcoats, primers, and sanding-sealers for wood finishes for:

• Furniture

• Cabinets

• Interior Door

* Floors

5. Water - whitening resistance ( 50°C Water )

Test method:

1. Plasticize the emulsion (100g) by texanol (12g) with stirrer.

2. Coat the plasticized emulsion to glass plate with 5mil(125μ) applicator and dry the film. (Dry condition: RT×1day and 50℃×1day)

3.Soak the glass plate in the water (50℃) for 24 hours and check the film whitening

                                      KOATSU GAS KOGYO CO., LTD

HEAD OFFICE: UMEDA CENTER BLDG: 2-4-12, Nakazaki Nishi,Kita-ku, Osaka 530-8411, Japan

PHONE: +81-6-7711-2570    FACSIMILE: +81-6-7711-3355